Warsaw New Town

6. Church of St. Benona (Redemptorists) it is a reconstruction from the years 1957-1959, demolished in 1944 year of the Benonite church from the 18th century, which was used from the 19th century as a factory. The current façade recreates baroque forms.

7. Kościół Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny to jedna z najstarszych świątyń Warszawy. Built after 1411 years as gothic, single-nave, brick, with a ceiling and a vaulted presbytery, before the end of the 15th century it was transformed into a three-nave basilica. W 1581 a late gothic belfry was built. It was rebuilt several times in the following epochs, stayed in 1939 year damaged, a w 1944 years burned. The church was rebuilt in 1947-1966 based on a design by Beata Trylińska, with its characteristic silhouette it fits into the panorama of the Old Town.

8. Kamienice na ulicy Kościelnej zbudowano w latach 1953-1955. Their facades loosely refer to the previous ones from the second half of the 18th century, destroyed in 1944 The colors of the facade and sgraffito are the work of Bohdan Urbanowicz and his team (WITH. Kowalska, K. Kozlowska, WITH. Artymowska).

9. Kościół Franciszka Serafickiego (Franciscans), it was built in stages: in years 1679-1698 according to the design of John the Baptist Ceroni, in years 1713-1733 designed by Józef and Jakub Fontanów. Facade of 1750 year designed by Jakub Fontana, it was rebuilt in 1788 year by arch. Józef Boretti. This baroque church, damaged in 1944 year, rebuilt over the years 1945-1948 arch. Stanislaw Marzyński.

10. Kamienica zwana błędnie pałacem Mokronowskich to obecnie częściowa rekonstrukcja z 1952 year of the project arch. Halina Trojanowska. The original late-barge building, maybe the work of arch. Jakub Fontana from the years 1770-1771, was destroyed in 1944 years and was demolished before 1947 a year.

11. Pałac Sapiehów powstał w 1-wszej połowie XVIII wieku według projektu arch. Jan Zygmunt Deybel, and in years 1818-1820 was rebuilt into Sapieżyńskie barracks by arch. Wilhelm Henryk Minter. Burned down and partially torn down in years 1939-1944, was recreated by arch. Maria Zachwatowiczowa (1950- 1955), but with new interiors (for school) and another detail: in place of the original male heads today there are female busts, to which the daughters of Maria Zachwatowiczowa posed for the sculpting students of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts.

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